Facial cleaning (ultrasonic) / Mechanical peeling / Almond peeling

Facial cleaning (ultrasonic) / Mechanical peeling / Almond peeling (10% / 15% / 30%) / Face mask / Classic massage for the face / Anti-aging cream

This procedure is performed using ultrasound and allows you to deeply cleanse the skin from any impurities, keratinized cells, sebum, blockages of the sebaceous glands, comedones. Ultrasonic face cleansing is absolutely painless and does not leave redness and swelling on the skin.

Ultrasound has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the skin, does not squeeze and stretch the skin, and does not disturb the epidermis. As a result of ultrasonic face cleansing, the blood composition improves, metabolism is activated, tissue renewal is enhanced.

Almond peeling has a strong antioxidant and regenerating effect, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, helps to tighten pores, improves the regulation of skin oiliness, is a strong keratolytic with a bactericidal effect that affects the pathogenesis of acne, moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic, firm and youthful, tones skin and stimulates an even and intense tan.
Ultrasound peeling removes only old cells, cleans the skin, improves its natural hydration. Thanks to this, the face becomes younger, superficial wrinkles disappear.