Facial massage of the facial muscles Anti Age

Facial massage of the facial muscles anti age - deep restoration of the tone and elasticity of all layers of facial tissues and especially facial muscles, reducing skin flabbiness, improving the oxygen metabolism of the skin, rejuvenating the effect of facelift of the face. What problems solves - Age-related skin changes 30-45 years. The effect of lifting will ensure the first session, after the 3-4th the line of the second chin is smoothed, the puffiness of the face and the sagging of the upper eyelid decrease. The result: removal of puffiness, increased elasticity, lifting, improving the texture of the skin, lifting the tone, rejuvenation. If you want to avoid plastic surgery, take a course of 10-15 procedures. For many customers, this technique has already gained popularity, since it allows to preserve beauty and youth without using radical measures in the form of injections and a knife by the surgeon (done without oil).
