Neck and arm / foot / head massage

Massage of the cervical-collar zone relaxes the muscles of the neck, improves blood circulation and metabolism in the cervical region, accelerates the outflow of lymph, improves the nutrition of the neck and head organs. With the help of massage, local muscle hardening and painful sensations in the cervical spine are removed.

Hand massage can help address the following issues: Joint stiffness and poor circulation - Massage promotes the flow of fresh, oxygenated blood to the muscles, which, among other things, helps to cope with stiffness and pain in the joints, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue.

Foot massage is pleasant in itself. With a regular procedure, it is an excellent remedy for insomnia. And besides, with the help of foot massage, you can improve blood circulation, skin nourishment, relieve foot muscle tension, leg edema and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is especially useful for women who wear heels. Foot massage is used for disorders of the digestive tract, acute respiratory infections, diseases of the extremities, poor excretion of fluid from the body, heartbeat disorders, migraines, neuralgia and stress!

Head massage is a method of therapy that has been known since ancient civilizations BC. The scalp is gently massaged with your fingers, massaging specific lines and points. Head massage has a calming effect, eliminating insomnia, anxiety and stress. At the same time, muscle tension and pain in the throat - in the shoulder region - decrease. When the blood circulation in the brain improves, the ability to concentrate improves, headaches and other disorders disappear.